How did Conor Mcgregor use the power of his mind to achieve all his success ?

Seb Grynko
13 min readSep 13, 2020


Beginning of the story

Conor McGregor grew up in Dublin, Ireland. His family was not poor but they did not have much. His years in school were the best years of his life. He always knew he wanted some- thing more.

As a kid, he would visualize stadiums that were full of people cheering for him. MMA was not as popular at that time. There was no precedence of people succeeding in this field, so when he told his father about his dream. He was met with resistance.

He dropped out of high school and took up a trade. For some time, he became a plumber. He worked during the day and trained at night. After 18 months, he quit his job and focused solely on training.

He could not stand doing something that was not meant for him. He could not bear to do something that was not as fulfilling as fighting, something that was not his calling.

He was living with his girlfriend Dee Devlin. They would barely make ends meet. Conor was making close to nothing from fighting. His wife Dee was working odd jobs here and there to support their household.

The Secret

One of the turning points of his life is when his elder sister got the movie “The Secret” for him. She thought it might help him. At that time Conor was pretty lost and purposeless.

Conor became an avid practitioner of the law of attraction after watching the movie, and his wife Dee believed wholeheartedly that her husband would make it as an MMA superstar.

Times were hard for many years, at one-point Conor McGregor became a fighter in the Cage Warrior promotion, one of the most popular in Europe.

He rapidly rose through the ranks and won two belts in two different weight classes. Other promotions were paying attention to this upcoming young fighter from Ireland.

The UFC had their eyes on him. Dana White, the CEO extraordinaire of the company flew over to meet him. He was impressed by Conor McGregor.

Not only for his prowess in the ring but for that X factor, he also had. That elusive thing which is possessed by so many of those high achievers.

First years in the UFC

After he signed with the UFC he went on a tear, beating everybody on the featherweight roster. He defeated Dustin Poirier, Max Holloway, and Chad Mendes.

He was then scheduled to fight the champion of the division Jose Aldo, who had remained undefeated for the past ten years. He was also widely regarded as the greatest feather- weight of all time.

Conor McGregor defeated him in 13 seconds with a knock- out punch. He then became the UFC world featherweight champion.

After that fight, he lost to Nate Diaz via submission. That was his first defeat in the UFC. They fought at welterweight so he remained a featherweight champion.

In the rematch with Nate Diaz, Conor McGregor won via decision. 3 months later he fought Eddie Alvarez for the light- weight belt.

Champ Champ & Floyd Mayweather & Proper Twelve

Conor McGregor defeated him in a dominant victory via two punches in the second round. He became the first fighter to ever hold two division belts simultaneously. Conor McGregor started calling himself the “champ champ”

If that was not enough, he trash-talked his way into fighting Floyd Mayweather. One of the greatest pound-for-pound boxers of all time. That event was huge.

Even though the odds were obviously against him. He still put up a great performance in defeat and impressed the world of boxing.

It was reported that he made around 100 million dollars from this event. Conor McGregor was now more than a superstar. he is now a multimillionaire many times over.

He started a bunch of different businesses. He started his own media company and his own clothing line, but the company that really put him on the map as a serious business mogul is Proper Twelve.

Shortly after the Mayweather fight, Conor started his own Irish whiskey brand named Proper Twelve. Some reports said that the brand sold over 1 billion dollars in sales, in the first year alone. Some other reports said the company made 70 million USD in sales. Numbers can vary, and oftentimes numbers can be exaggerated for marketing purposes. That being said, his whiskey brand did really well right out the gates.

Proper 12 is just another great success adding to a list of other great successes. Conor McGregor has also had his fair share of controversies. He did things that no one in good conscience can defend.

I am not condoning his unwholesome acts and words. However, I am not condemning him altogether either. It’s better to be for something instead of always being against something.

I recognize that some of his behaviors are reprehensible. However, I do have to give credit where it is due. I studied how he used his mind to achieve great things and it is nothing short of miraculous.

Conor McGregor is a true powerhouse when it comes to using the power of his mind. I think we can all learn something and be empowered by his positive exploits.

Let us now study in more detail the techniques and methods he used to attract and manifest the life he has envisioned and embodied.

You can have anything you want. You can be anybody you want. If you want it badly enough.

Conor McGregor


One of the methods Conor McGregor favored is visualization. He mentioned in one of his interviews, how he would be sitting in his beat-up car and still be able, through the power of his imagination, to visualize himself as if he were driving a Bentley.

After winning his second belt and being the first fighter to ever hold two belts simultaneously in the UFC. He said to the audience that this was what he had dreamed into reality. Visualization is a powerful tool. What Conor McGregor was doing is more specifically known as visualizing/living the end.

What he did was to picture himself as if everything he ever wanted was already his and he did it over and over again. That is why, you can hear him say in a lot of his interviews, that he was never surprised of his success.

When asked what he thought about his newfound success, he would answer by saying that he was not surprised at all. He made his vision come to life. He saw it so many times in his mind and imagination, so when it came to pass and when facts of imagination had hardened into facts of reality, it was almost banal for a guy like him.

Another thing that made Conor such a great manifestor is his ability to feel as if his desires have already been manifested.

He mentioned in one of his interviews before he became champion, that he already felt the belt around his waist. He also said that he did not want anything because he already felt like he had it all. Now that must sound contradictory to a lot of you. I assure you it is not.

Letting go of the desire

David Hawkins created a scale of consciousness. He wrote in one of his books that desire calibrates at a lower level of consciousness and a lot of times, desire/wantingness is what is preventing us from getting what we want, because desire is telling the universe you lack something.

How many times in your life have you pushed, strived for something, and have it not come to life? And how many times have you detached and let go and see that desire come to pass?

Here is the solution to that predicament, which is twofold, for better results. One needs to live in the end as Conor did. He mustered the feeling of his desires already been achieved. He did not yearn for them.

He embodied the thoughts, the words, the actions, the feelings of somebody who had already gotten everything. That is what Neville Goddard calls persistent assumption. when you intend for something, you first need to let go of your desire then start living as if you already had it.

Ignore your current reality & Persistent assumptions

Abraham Hicks said in one of her talks, that reality does not matter and it does not mean anything when you are manifesting. What she really wanted to say is that your present circumstances are a result of your past thoughts and past beliefs.

You need to do what Neville Goddard asked his students to do. Ignore your reality. Don’t react to your reality when it does not match your imagined life. You forsake that unwanted reality and re-affirm your imagined reality constantly until it hardens into facts. That’s what we call persistent assumption.

Taking (right) actions

One thing that might be unsettling for some people, is that Conor McGregor worked so hard at his craft. A lot of people want to believe that you can manifest without action. Of course, you can manifest without any actions, but if we were to be a bit cheekier and more playful, we could say that intending for something is already an action.

We could say that visualization, affirmations, applied techniques, and methods are all actions. There’s still some effort required. Let’s take the example of Conor McGregor. Fighting is something physical. At the very least you need to get into the ring to fight. That’s an action.

Manifesting without actions means manifesting without the wrong actions, and manifesting the actions that are aligned with our vision. For McGregor, that’s training, studying the fights, sparring, conditioning, etc. Actions that you would be doing if you were living in his end because that’s the lifestyle of a champion.

You need not worry about actions or no actions. Once your mind is set on your vision. Everything will become more organic and more importantly, natural. Those actions will serve to harden the vision into reality. Preparation meets opportunity as McGregor said.

Power of Words

Another tool Conor McGregor used, is the power of words. Before he fought Jose Aldo. He detailed exactly how the fight will unfold. After the fight, a journalist told him, that what he had predicted had unfolded exactly the way he had described it prior to the fight. The journalist asked him how did he do it.

Conor McGregor answered by saying that if you truly believe it and have the courage to speak it out loud, it will happen. In the professional world of fighting this is not necessarily uncommon. It happens quite regularly, not always as successful and not necessarily as easy as it was first described but it does happen.

Words spoken with faith, repeatedly over a certain period of time and filled with energy are imprinted on your subconscious mind, they become a belief and tend to come to reality. One of the most famous aspects of the spoken word as a tool for manifestation is affirmations or auto-suggestions.

One video on YouTube shows Conor McGregor getting out of a shower and doing affirmations in front of his bathroom mirror. Louise Hay was a great advocate of this method. She said that affirming words in front of a mirror is the best way to do affirmations.

Conor McGregor said that what matters the most is how you see yourself. Through this discipline, focus on your self-talk and your new beliefs will be imprinted on the subconscious mind. Your world will be shaken and your world will shape itself around your new beliefs.

In those moments, it is important to be comfortable being uncomfortable. Your ego is comfortable with your old beliefs. Your new beliefs will shake everything up and put you in a whirlwind. It is completely normal, embrace it and see it as a normal thing on your path to your new (higher) self.

Conor McGregor talks about obsession, single-minded purpose. He said that fighting, succeeding, and reaching the top is all he thought about. Neville Goddard in one of his lectures about persistent assumptions said that in order to transform oneself, one’s needs to find a phrase that represents that ideal new self and repeat it over and over until it sinks in and affirms itself on the subconscious mind.

He said that one needs to hold fast to their beliefs, convictions and assumptions. Let go of the resistance, the doubts, and the negativity. Ignore the reality that does not fit the new imagined self and re-affirm that imagined self at all times.

Loving life & gratitude

Conor McGregor said that it is easy to visualize when all is good but the real test is to visualize good things when everything in your reality points in the opposite direction. One component that also helped boost Conor McGregor’s success is gratitude.

He mentioned in one of his interviews how he would appreciate all the small things and appreciate his surroundings, even when times were hard. He would still have this love for life and this fun and joy for living.

When you start on this process, new things will align with your imagined reality. I mentioned how you should ignore what is not aligned with your ideal reality, but when things happen, that are aligned with your desires, you need to acknowledge them and be thankful for them, and here comes the most important part, no matter how small they are.

Be greatly thankful and invigorated, for it means that you are well on your path. Faith should grow and more will come. If you want to manifest a lot of money and start finding pennies everywhere or receiving small sums of money.

Be happy. Be grateful because life happens for you and not to you and more will come, when you are thankful for the small things and keep re-affirming your persistent assumptions.

Inspiration, purpose, and giving back

Conor McGregor would also visualize what it would feel like to give back. First and foremost, to his family, his family was not the worst off but he felt how it would feel like to give back to his parents. His wife supported him at the beginning of his career. He visualized how it would feel to cover her with expensive gifts and give her the life of her dreams.

It is important to know your why. Faith and perseverance stem from a burning desire. A burning desire stems from a purpose, a why that is so strong and compelling it gets the machine started it going during the inevitable ups and downs of life.

Another motivation Conor had, to propel him to the mountain top, was his desire to inspire and motivate others. He wanted to show the world that it is possible. He added value to this world by showing that greatness is achievable when you stick to your game plan.

Woody Allen said that 80% of success is just showing up. Be disciplined, do the small, seemingly insignificant things that will, with time, amount to great successes. Tony Robbins said that successes and failures don’t just appear out of nowhere. They are the accumulation of many things over time.

Failure does not exist

Also when it comes to failure. There is nothing wrong with it. Conor McGregor took years of beating, training, re-affirming, struggling to get to where he is.

Oftentimes people think that once you start a practice of positive thinking, it’s all smooth sailing from there. That is really not the case, Neville Goddard in his teachings talked about a bridge of incidents/events.

A series of events that will bring you to your desired outcome. Those events are subject to your interpretation. You can see them as good or bad or neutral. What really matters is to understand that life happens FOR you.

That all will lead to your desired outcome in due time. Keep on re-affirming your persistent assumptions regardless of reality, regardless of the interpretation of good or bad, regardless of moods and feelings.

Always believe that it is coming and more will come from each and every situation. The unstoppable combination of positivity and relentless improvement.

Ignore The Haters & Appreciate The Success Of Others

One last thing before we end this topic on Conor McGregor. Ignore the haters, be fuelled by them but don’t become one of them. Be for something not always against something. Conor McGregor said in one of his interviews that the sound of laughter, the sound of doubt motivates him.

Be like him. Use the naysayers as fuel for inspiration but do not hate in return. More importantly, do not envy, do not covet, do not become jealous of other people’s success. Conor McGregor said that some people will see him and will draw inspiration. Those who don’t and hate will stay where they are.

That’s a very important concept. In Buddhism, we call this Mudita AKA Sympathetic joy. You can have compassion and empathy for people’s suffering. In the same way, you can share in the joy, in the success, and the happiness of others as if it were your own. What you want for you, you should want for others.

Joseph Murphy in his book “The miracles of your mind” talks about how envy is the cause of lack in one’s life. By entertaining negative thoughts (no matter what they are) about someone who has what you want. You will keep yourself in lack of what you want.

Joseph Murphy also said that the idea of competition limits your supply. Become a producer and a co-operator, and realize that you can have all the riches you want without taking anything from anyone else. As there is no shortage of air, there is no shortage of the infinite riches of the universes

Here is a prayer to overcome envy & resentment from Joseph Murphy’s book “Your infinite power to be rich”

“I know that all men are my brothers; all of us have a common Father. I wish everyone health, happiness, abundance, and all the blessings and riches of life. I mean this; I am sincere. I know that what I wish for the other, I also wish for myself, and as I bless the other, I am blessing myself. The love of God flows through me to all mankind. I bless all who are richer than I, and so bless those who criticize and speak ill of me. I rejoice to see all of my co-workers succeed and prosper. I open the windows of my mind, and I let in the riches of heaven. I am loving toward all. I pray that God’s riches flood the mind and heart of all. I give thanks for his riches now. it’s wonderful.

One of the best ways to get what you want is to wish it for others

Wayne Dyer

